Heavenly Host Part 2. "The Good Guys"

January 23, 2025 2:07 AM
Heavenly Host Part 2. "The Good Guys"

Angels (Messengers)
:are not described as having wings however they do travel swiftly from the heavens to their assignments. When Angels do Show up to give a message from the Most High, they show up as a man. Often the text will give us clues it’s not simply a man.
“Malak” Messenger
Psalm 104:4 NASB95

Genesis 19:1 (NASB95)

Genesis 19:10 NASB95

Genesis 19:11 NASB95

Daniel 7:9–10 NASB95

Daniel 4:17 NASB95

Daniel 4:24 NASB95

 Cherubim: (Akkadin cognate verb means: “To Bless”)

Genesis 3:24 NASB95

NOTE: Here these Cherubim are stationed to guard “sacred space”.
Exodus 25:20
Ezekiel 10:14 NASB95

Exodus 25:17–19 NASB95

Exodus 26:1 NASB95

Seraphim:  Burning Ones

Numbers 21:6 NASB95

Numbers 21:8 NASB95

Isaiah 14:29 NASB95

2 Kings 18:4 NASB95

Warrior and Arch Angel

Daniel 10:13 NASB95

 NOTE: Sons of God, Prince language seems to be status of inherited rulership. . .
Michael: Prince of Israel guardian. . .

Daniel 12:1 NASB95

Revelation 12:7 NASB95

The Angel of the Lord

Exodus 23:20–21 NASB95

Joshua 5:13–14 NASB95

The Good Guys are called upon to help those who Follow Jesus.
Hebrews 1:14 NASB95

Hebrews 12:1 NASB95

Hebrews 13:1–2 NASB95

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